Microsoft Access User Group

Data Analysis Tips and Techniques

May 28, 2024

FMS President and Microsoft Access MVP Luke Chung provided a virtual presentation on Microsoft Access Data Analytics Tips and Techniques.

Examples included record sampling, frequency distributions, UNION queries for lookups, crosstab reports, modern charts and more.

Remote access to Access

Virtual Access DevCon 2020, Vienna, Austria

FMS President Luke Chung was a presenter at the Virtual Microsoft Access DevCon 2020 in Vienna, Austria on April 23, 2020. He gave a presentation called "Remote access to Access", which is available for everyone to watch.

Remote Desktop and RemoteApp let your users run Access applications without having to installing anything on their local machine. That includes Access, the database, and any related programs. It lets users run the program across the network or Internet, from their PC or even a Mac. There are different approaches depending on whether the host is internal or in the cloud, and for backend databases in Access and SQL Server.

Special thanks to Microsoft Access MVP Karl Donaubauer, who hosted the fourth annual Access DevCon and made it an online event during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Karl Donaubauer has made the presentation recordings and download materials given by the Microsoft Access speakers available for everyone to view. Visit Virtual Access DevCon 2020 for more information!

Have any suggestions or comments? Head to our blog post Video: Remote access to Microsoft Access from DevCon Austria and leave us your feedback!

Better VBA: Access, Tools, Code Quality

Microsoft Access DevCon 2017, Vienna, Austria

FMS President Luke Chung was a presenter at the Microsoft Access DevCon 2017 in Vienna, Austria in early April.

Before giving two conference presentations, he sat down and spoke with Philipp Stiefel of of Germany discussing VBA development.

They talked about:

  • VBA Best Practices
  • How end-users migrate from Excel to Access, then learn how to code
  • Why people are hesitant to purchase third party products and how FMS overcomes that by showcasing the value we offer
  • Using tools like Total Access Analyzer to catch errors before shipping and learning best practices
  • Using the module code in Total Visual SourceBook to address problems we've already solved so you can focus on the unique issues in your applications
  • The value of creating consistent, quality code, how to improve code for developers of all backgrounds
  • Being in constant "growth" mode to look for ways to become a better developer

MSDN Channel 9/ARCast.TV

Filmed at Microsoft Offices, Reston, Virginia

Microsoft Access to SQL ServerMicrosoft's Dr. Zhiming Xue interviews Luke Chung on dealing with Microsoft Access Database solutions and the challenges project teams face when migrating them to more scalable platforms.

Luke Chung, founder and president of FMS, shares his view on Microsoft Access database solutions. (22 minutes)

Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference

Washington, DC Convention Center (August 2010)

creating growth in cloud computingHere's a video recorded by Voices for Innovation (VFI) at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference regarding cloud computing with FMS President Luke Chung.

Watch the video to see how the Cloud and IT innovation have driven growth and improved the businesses of Microsoft Partners.

Tech EDMicrosoft Tech Ed Conference 2009

Los Angeles Convention Center (May 2009)

Video: Migrating Your Data Tier to Microsoft SQL Server: Strategies for SurvivalThis panel explores the different reasons and approaches for migrating applications to Microsoft SQL Server. In addition to moving the data to SQL Server, ideas are presented for transforming applications to offer additional features while watching budgets.

Examples are provided for migrating data from Oracle, Access, and Excel to SQL Server. That's the easy part. Discussions also cover the challenges of maintaining and monitoring the new database, whether a database administrator is needed, and the life cycle of a SQL Server application.

Speakers: Luke Chung, Richard Campbell, Stephen Forte, and Armen Stein, emceed by Mary Chipman. (43 minutes)

Video: The World Turned Upside Down: Development Strategies for Lean Times Are you a developer wondering what to do in these dire economic times? Or are you in charge of a development team facing tighter budgets and higher risk? Not sure what to do or consider to protect your job or career? Listen to this panel for their insight and experience.

During tough economic times, development teams tend to get smaller while business requirements get larger in an effort to do more with less. The panelists share their insights and experiences gleaned from years of surviving economic ups and downs.

Hear the panel discussion among Luke Chung, Stephen Forte, Kent Alstad, Armen Stein, Rockford Lhotka, and Paul Sheriff, emceed by Mary Chipman. (51 minutes).

Video: Let's Talk about Software Consulting as a BusinessThinking of creating your own consulting business? Trying to grow your existing consulting business?

Hear the panel discussion of the experiences of Luke Chung, Paul Sheriff, and Armen Stein in founding and running their consulting firms over the past two decades. (54 minutes)

Video: Let's Talk about Software Consulting as a BusinessFMS has survived many business and technology cycles since its founding in 1986. Microsoft's Mary Chipman interviews Luke Chung about the story of FMS, how its survived these 23 years, and how it has served its wide range of customers.

Luke discusses the three groups within FMS:

Learn more about FMS, our history, and our successes over the years. Hear about our challenges and philosophies, and how we've helped our customers maximize their IT investments and anticipate the evolution of their applications. (28 minutes)

Microsoft Tech*Ed Conference 2008

Orlando, Florida (June 3, 2008)

Are we there yet? Successfully navigating the bumpy road from Access to SQL Server

Hosted by Microsoft's Mary Chipman, the panel discusses the challenges and approaches of migrating Microsoft Access applications to SQL Server. Learn about situations where Access is appropriate, and when they need to upsize to SQL Server. (49 minutes)

Additional Resources

Additional Resources



Thank you! Thank you! I just finished reading this document, which was part of a link in the recent Buzz newsletter. I have printed it for others to read, especially those skeptical on the powers of Access and its capabilities.

Darren D.

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